Sunday 10 December 2017

How do fan films make money?

A young filmmaker who haven seldom worried about how to make money making a film, decided to drop an open letter in other to get solutions to his continual problem. In his curiosity look at how he has decided to express his question. We seek answers... Your experience counts...

 Hi guys,
I've seen places like Batinthesun on YouTube do Super Power Beat Downs, and watching those they certainly look professional, and I can only imagine that they aren't cheap to make. So how is this a viable business model? Even if they actually get the rights to the characters (which I honestly don't know if they do), they are just putting stuff up on YouTube for free. Obviously you could probably crowdfund to actually make the thing, but how do you form a business out of taking other people's characters and making them battle or whatever? I guess what I'm really asking is, would it be possible for someone like me who has almost no money to make a fan film based off of Star Wars, Marvel comics and the like, and turn that into money? How would one go about trying that? Or is it just impossible for anyone without a lot of disposable income to make such a thing?

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