Tuesday 26 December 2017

Creating the Anamorphic look on DSLR

After seeing Nicolas Winding Refn's "The Neon Demon" - I really wanted to shoot a short film with the aesthetics of anamorphic lenses. However, my camera is Canon 650D and I have no idea, whatsoever, how I would get an anamorphic look with this camera.

I looked around a little on CineMorph filters but I still don't know what's compatible with my camera.
So, what I would really love is some input from someone with some expertise in this area. I want to know if I need to buy a new lens or if I can make it work with a CineMorph filter. Also, please be very specific!
I'm aware that the CineMorph filter doesn't work with all focal lengths so I would love to be pointed in a direction as to which lenses would work on my Canon 650D to make it compatible with a CineMorph filter.
Thank you in advance!

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